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Top site for "emergency relief":

Title: Haiti Action Committee
Haiti and America Latina: it is as it always was May 6 Popular Initiative calls for removal of Bush appointee in Haiti Apr 24 Lavalas flexes its muscles in Haiti Apr 20

Approx. monthly SE traffic: 3.09K
Approx. monthly SE traffic cost equivalent: $1.81K

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"emergency relief" related sites

Rank: $1.81K
Traffic: 3.09K Haiti Action Committee

Haiti and America Latina: it is as it always was May 6 Popular Initiative calls for removal of Bush appointee in Haiti Apr 24 Lavalas flexes its muscles in Haiti Apr 20


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Positions count: 151
Rank: $59.40M
Traffic: 46.53M Welcome to Target

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Adtexts count: 1.42M; AdTraffic: 57.52M; Adwords budget: $56.39M; Positions count: 310.70K
Rank: $2.61K
Traffic: 5.01K Craft Emergency Relief Fund

Offers direct financial and educational assistance to craft artists, including emergency relief assistance, business development support, and resources.


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Positions count: 33
Rank: $492.99
Traffic: 511.42 The IRC Gift Store - Lifesaving Gifts | The International Rescue Committee


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Adtexts count: 34; AdTraffic: 5.47K; Adwords budget: $6.80K; Positions count: 18
Rank: $14.21K
Traffic: 10.08K International Medical Corps - International Medical Corps


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Adtexts count: 60; AdTraffic: 27.08K; Adwords budget: $21.90K; Positions count: 154
Rank: $29.90K
Traffic: 12.52K Welcome to Relief International

Relief International is a humanitarian, non-profit agency providing emergency relief aid, rehabilitation, and development assistance to victims of natural disasters and civil conflicts worldwide. RI dedicates itself to seeking and addressing the long-term developmental needs of its beneficiaries even while in the emergency phase.


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Adtexts count: 8; AdTraffic: 14.82K; Adwords budget: $27.29K; Positions count: 33
Rank: $12.35K
Traffic: 8.79K Direct Relief International

Nonprofit Humanitarian Medical Relief Organization


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Adtexts count: 516; AdTraffic: 67.13K; Adwords budget: $92.02K; Positions count: 304
Rank: $32.71K
Traffic: 31.96K Be the Change | Mercy Corps


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Adtexts count: 143; AdTraffic: 90.06K; Adwords budget: $90.48K; Positions count: 519
Rank: $467.71K
Traffic: 291.97K - Prepare. Plan. Stay Informed.

The Ready Campaign of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, educating and empowering Americans to prepare for emergencies including natural disasters and potential terrorist attacks.


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Adtexts count: 23; AdTraffic: 45.64K; Adwords budget: $56.71K; Positions count: 2.05K
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