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Top site for "sponser a kid":

Title: Volunteer Abroad Opportunities
Volunteer Abroad-Visit the most popular country by volunteering abroad, Volunteering Abroad opportunities include volunteer abroad-orphanage work, Aids programs, and participate in Voilunteer Abroad's Enviromental conservation efforts.

Approx. monthly SE traffic: 5.70K
Approx. monthly SE traffic cost equivalent: $10.27K

Avg.CPC: $0.05

Searches: 73

Broad Searches: 110

Niche value (searches * cpc): $3.65

"sponser a kid" related sites

Rank: $10.27K
Traffic: 5.70K Volunteer Abroad Opportunities

Volunteer Abroad-Visit the most popular country by volunteering abroad, Volunteering Abroad opportunities include volunteer abroad-orphanage work, Aids programs, and participate in Voilunteer Abroad's Enviromental conservation efforts.


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Adtexts count: 157; AdTraffic: 22.06K; Adwords budget: $29.17K; Positions count: 424
Rank: $338.42K
Traffic: 164.67K Official Site - Save the Children: Helping Children in Poverty and Children in Need

Official Site - Save the Children: Helping Children in Poverty and Children in Need


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Adtexts count: 179; AdTraffic: 84.03K; Adwords budget: $111.59K; Positions count: 1.21K
Rank: $1.54
Traffic: 12.3 Healing the Children Northeast


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Adtexts count: 10; AdTraffic: 1.36K; Adwords budget: $1.33K; Positions count: 2
Rank: $471.77
Traffic: 206.45 Christmas charity - Letters to Santa from underprivileged children - Be An Elf and volunteer for Operation Santa Claus!

Christmas charity shows you how to get and answer real letters to Santa from children in real need, from your post office. You'll make an underprivileged child smile on Christmas, and you'll catch the true spirit of the holidays. Participate in the USPS Operation Santa Claus and be an Elf!


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Adtexts count: 49; AdTraffic: 115.59K; Adwords budget: $152.92K; Positions count: 19
Rank: $692.8
Traffic: 1.25K GVN Foundation – Assisting Communities in Need

The GVN Foundation gives you the opportunity to effect change in countries around the world. The Foundation works with local community organizations to implement sustainable development projects that make a real difference.


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Adtexts count: 171; AdTraffic: 117.98K; Adwords budget: $159.55K; Positions count: 38
Rank: $7.15K
Traffic: 3.05K Sponsor a Child | SOS Children's Villages - USA

SOS Children's Villages is the world's largest charity dedicated to orphaned and abandoned children. SOS raises orphans in 500 villages in 132 countries. Sponsor an SOS child today.


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Adtexts count: 971; AdTraffic: 1.00M; Adwords budget: $720.65K; Positions count: 202
Rank: $23.55K
Traffic: 15.06K Global Volunteers International Service Programs: Teaching, Child Care, Community Development

Volunteer Abroad. More than 25 years mobilizing short-term international volunteers on service projects and work abroad programs on six continents: Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, South America. Volunteer vacations in the USA, China, Costa Rica, the Cook Islands, Ecuador, Ghana, Hungary, India, Italy, Greece, Mexico, Peru, Poland, Romania, South Africa, Tanzania, Vietnam. Teach English, care


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Adtexts count: 90; AdTraffic: 24.31K; Adwords budget: $44.81K; Positions count: 693
Rank: $83.58K
Traffic: 24.53K Sponsor a Child | ChildFund International

ChildFund, formerly Christian Children's Fund (CCF), is dedicated to helping children in need. ChildFund believes all children deserve an environment of hope, especially starving children living in poverty.


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Adtexts count: 4.87K; AdTraffic: 154.28K; Adwords budget: $224.99K; Positions count: 265
Rank: $127.19K
Traffic: 56.32K Plan USA - Helping children since 1937

Plan is a nonprofit organization working in 48 developing countries that has been helping children since 1937. You can make a donation or sponsor a child through Plan's child sponsorship program today and join more than a million people who are helping to improve the lives of children.


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Adtexts count: 130; AdTraffic: 68.04K; Adwords budget: $81.93K; Positions count: 313
Rank: $962.54K
Traffic: 215.68K Sponsor a Child < Home | World Vision - Child Sponsorship

Sponsor a child with World Vision. Your child sponsorship will help a child in need to experience life in all its fullness. Sponsor a child now! World Vision is a Christian relief, development and advocacy organization dedicated to working with children, families and communities to overcome poverty and injustice


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Adtexts count: 813; AdTraffic: 46.11K; Adwords budget: $80.22K; Positions count: 1.59K
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