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Title: American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists


Top keywords: pap herpes genital genital herpes acog endometriosis endometrial ablation endometrial ablation pap iud iud

Approx. monthly SE traffic: 458.84K
Approx. monthly SE traffic cost equivalent: $476.35K

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Organic keywords 458.84K $476.35K*
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Google: 615 pages, 615 positions
  Keyword Cost Equiv. Position   Keyword Traffic Position   Keyword   Position
1. pap $43.22K  10  1. pap 45K  10  1. sangrado durante el embarazo   1 
2. herpes genital $23.13K  7  2. acog 31K  1  2. preparing for surgery   1 
3. genital herpes $20.67K  8  3. histerectomia 14K  1  3. find an ob gyn   1 
4. acog $16.59K  1  4. vulva 12K  7  4. acog guidelines for pap smears   1 
5. endometriosis $16.38K  6  5. pap 10K  11  5. acog guidelines   1 
6. endometrial ablation $9.69K  2  6. endometriosis 10K  6  6. patient education pamphlets   1 
7. endometrial ablation $9.69K  2  7. acog 9K  2  7. laparoscopic sterilization   1 
8. pap $9.57K  11  8. gynecologist 8K  5  8. endometrium hyperplasia   1 
9. iud $8.66K  10  9. herpes genital 7K  7  9. intercourse education   1 
10. iud $8.66K  10  10. genital herpes 6K  8  10. abnormal pap results   1 
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"" related sites Women's Health Center: Information on Women's Wellness, Nutrition, Fitness, Intimate Questions, and Weight Loss

Find information on women's health issues, fitness, and lifestyle at the Women's Health Center


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CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Your Online Source for Credible Health Information


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Binoculars, rifle scopes, spotting scopes, and rangefinders by manufacturers such as Leupold, Swarovski, Leica, Nightforce, Zeiss, Schmidt and Bender, Kowa & more.


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Information, support, and discussion forums for women who have had or are considering an endometrial ablation as a hysterectomy alternative


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ParaGard, the Copper T 380A, is an intrauterine device (IUD) that has been FDA approved for more than 20 years and has been used by millions of women worldwide. Shaped like a 'T' and about 11/4 inches wide by 1 3/8 inches long, ParaGard consists of soft, flexible plastic and copper and is designed to fit comfortably inside the uterus. ParaGard is non-hormonal and over 99 percent effective in preventing pregnancy. Once placed in the uterus, ParaGard requires no daily or weekly routine and is the longest-lasting method of reversible contraception available. ParaGard is an effective option for women who choose not to use hormonal contraception or who are considering tubal ligation. It is recommended for women who have no history of and are not at risk for pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Like other non-barrier methods, ParaGard does not protect against HIV/AIDS or other sexually transmitted diseases. The most common side effect of ParaGard is heavier and longer periods for a few months after placement. Some women experience spotting between periods. For most women, this subsides after a few months.


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ALTERNATIVES IN GYNECOLOGY: A leading gynecologist discusses causes, diagnosis, and treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding, hysterectomy and alternatives, fibroids and myomectomy, endometrial ablation, and other advances and options in gynecology


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