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Title: APS Physics | APS Home

The world's second largest organization of physicists, APS publishes physics journals and organizes meetings.

Top keywords: aps jobs physical dpf aps jobs prb physics jobs dfd meeting fellow backpage

Approx. monthly SE traffic: 93.30K
Approx. monthly SE traffic cost equivalent: $88.93K

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Organic keywords 93.30K $88.93K*
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Google: 797 pages, 797 positions
  Keyword Cost Equiv. Position   Keyword Traffic Position   Keyword   Position
1. aps jobs $19.60K  1  1. aps jobs 11K  1  1. march meeting   1 
2. physical $7.41K  6  2. dpf 8K  3  2. physicists jobs   1 
3. dpf $4.28K  3  3. backpage 5K  19  3. careers in physics   1 
4. aps jobs $3.91K  3  4. dfd 4K  5  4. aps march meeting   1 
5. prb $3.39K  2  5. physical 4K  6  5. aps jobs   1 
6. physics jobs $3.11K  2  6. prb 3K  2  6. physics careers   1 
7. dfd $2.68K  5  7. aps jobs 2K  3  7. job physics   1 
8. meeting $2.67K  12  8. physics jobs 2K  2  8. why study physics   1 
9. fellow $2.16K  14  9. back page 2K  10  9. why study physics   1 
10. backpage $2.16K  19  10. fellow 2K  14  10. archana dubey   1 
  ... view all 797 positions >>   ... view all 797 positions >>   ... view all 797 positions >>

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