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Title: Carthage College


Top keywords: carthage carthage carthage carthage college carthage carthage college carthage college carthage college carthage college cathage

Approx. monthly SE traffic: 86.50K
Approx. monthly SE traffic cost equivalent: $148.13K

"" approximate summary search engine traffic

Traffic Est. Cost
Organic keywords 86.50K $148.13K*
Paid keywords N/A N/A
* — "Est. Cost" for organic traffic means amount of money the site owner would pay for such traffic if he bought it in PPC systems.

"" organic keywords

Top cost equivalent positions Top traffic positions Top positions
Google: 241 pages, 241 positions
  Keyword Cost Equiv. Position   Keyword Traffic Position   Keyword   Position
1. carthage $51.69K  1  1. carthage 26K  1  1. carthage college wisconsin   1 
2. carthage $44.01K  1  2. carthage 26K  1  2. carthage   1 
3. carthage $14.57K  2  3. carthage college 9K  1  3. carthage college in kenosha wi   1 
4. carthage college $12.77K  1  4. carthage 7K  2  4. carthage com   1 
5. carthage $12.40K  2  5. carthage 7K  2  5. carthage college address   1 
6. carthage college $2.55K  3  6. carthage college 2K  3  6. carthage college wisconsin   1 
7. carthage college $1.82K  4  7. carthage college 1K  4  7. carthage college employment   1 
8. carthage college $1.20K  6  8. carthage college 885  6  8. carthage wisconsin   1 
9. carthage college $1.02K  7  9. julio rivera 804  1  9. conferences facilities   1 
10. cathage $606.71  1  10. carthage college 749  7  10. carthage college kenosha   1 
  ... view all 241 positions >>   ... view all 241 positions >>   ... view all 241 positions >>

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