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Title: CE marking, CE mark, CE certification, CE approval, CE certificate, testing, requirements, European directive and standards at CEMarking.Net

What is the CE mark / CE marking? Which European CE requirements apply to your products? How you can get the CE certification for your products? Can you do CE self-certification?

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Approx. monthly SE traffic: 70.83K
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Organic keywords 70.83K $98.01K*
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Google: 24 pages, 24 positions
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1. ce $40.39K  3  1. ce 31K  3  1. ce marking services   1 
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5. ce marking $2.45K  3  5. ce marking 836  3  5. ce marking regulations   1 
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8. ce markering $835.40  2  8. ce certificate 346  2  8. ce mark certificate   2 
9. ce mark testing $682.17  1  9. marking 294  10  9. ce conformity   2 
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