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Top keywords: child foundation child foundation children charity foundation children charity foundation child charity foundation child foundation child foundation child sponsorship programs child sponsor child foundation charity

Approx. monthly SE traffic: 1.64K
Approx. monthly SE traffic cost equivalent: $3.05K

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Organic keywords 1.64K $3.05K*
Paid keywords N/A $3.89K
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Google: 14 pages, 14 positions
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1. child foundation $610.43  1  1. child foundation 372  1  1. child foundation   1 
2. child foundation $573.21  1  2. child foundation 372  1  2. children charity foundation   1 
3. children charity foundation $425.60  1  3. children charity foundation 110  1  3. children charity foundation   1 
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6. child foundation $172.04  2  6. child foundation 105  2  6. help a child foundation   1 
7. child foundation $161.55  2  7. norooz 2010 98  7  7. child charity foundation   1 
8. child sponsorship programs $141.91  7  8. norooz 2010 86  8  8. child foundation   1 
9. child sponsor $111.20  13  9. child charity foundation 72  1  9. child foundation   2 
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ChildFund, formerly Christian Children's Fund (CCF), is dedicated to helping children in need. ChildFund believes all children deserve an environment of hope, especially starving children living in poverty.


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Plan is a nonprofit organization working in 48 developing countries that has been helping children since 1937. You can make a donation or sponsor a child through Plan's child sponsorship program today and join more than a million people who are helping to improve the lives of children.


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