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Title: Create The Good: Community Service, Volunteering & Charity Work - AARP | Create The Good

Create The Good is about helping others—whether you have five minutes or five hours. Search ways to help others in your community or post opportunities.

Top keywords: aarp aarp org aarp org bookeeper charity volunteering community volunteering community volunteering charity work volunteer the good operation hurricane

Approx. monthly SE traffic: 1.97K
Approx. monthly SE traffic cost equivalent: $9.14K

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Traffic Est. Cost
Organic keywords 1.97K $9.14K*
Paid keywords N/A $70.86K
* — "Est. Cost" for organic traffic means amount of money the site owner would pay for such traffic if he bought it in PPC systems.

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Google: 23 pages, 23 positions
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1. aarp $7.39K  18  1. aarp 1K  18  1. operation hurricane   2 
2. aarp org $485.60  14  2. aarp org 240  14  2. good community   4 
3. aarp org $336.64  16  3. aarp org 157  16  3. good community   4 
4. bookeeper $305.19  6  4. bookeeper 116  6  4. volunteering charity   4 
5. charity volunteering $110.67  5  5. the good 53  11  5. volunteer for charity work   5 
6. community volunteering $46.91  7  6. charity volunteering 43  5  6. charity volunteering   5 
7. community volunteering $46.91  7  7. operation hurricane 38  2  7. volunteer for charity work   6 
8. charity work volunteer $43.24  6  8. community volunteering 34  7  8. charity work volunteer   6 
9. the good $43.17  11  9. community volunteering 34  7  9. bookeeper   6 
10. operation hurricane $41.58  2  10. good community 29  4  10. charity work volunteer   6 
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