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Title: Delaware Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS)

Main Web Page for Delaware Department of Health and Social Services. ... It includes Delaware health and human service providers, program descriptions, ...

Top keywords: social services acetone ddds crisis intervention crisis intervention service dcse division of child support enforcement social services visually impaired delaware gov

Approx. monthly SE traffic: 28.91K
Approx. monthly SE traffic cost equivalent: $30.20K

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Organic keywords 28.91K $30.20K*
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* — "Est. Cost" for organic traffic means amount of money the site owner would pay for such traffic if he bought it in PPC systems.

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Top cost equivalent positions Top traffic positions Top positions
Google: 509 pages, 509 positions
  Keyword Cost Equiv. Position   Keyword Traffic Position   Keyword   Position
1. social services $3.28K  9  1. social services 4K  9  1. delaware health   1 
2. acetone $2.33K  9  2. acetone 3K  9  2. dhss fraud   1 
3. ddds $1.36K  1  3. ddds 1K  1  3. dd ds   1 
4. crisis intervention $1.07K  10  4. social services 755  12  4. dhss office of   1 
5. crisis intervention service $988.10  3  5. carbon tetrachloride 482  6  5. nursing homes delaware   1 
6. dcse $752.45  6  6. carbon tetrachloride 482  6  6. medicaid of delaware   1 
7. division of child support enforcement $647.37  3  7. dcse 482  6  7. state of delaware medicaid   1 
8. social services $626.96  12  8. division of child support enforcement 456  3  8. delaware medicade   1 
9. visually impaired $557.14  10  9. delaware gov 393  5  9. advance directive template   1 
10. delaware gov $515.23  5  10. crisis intervention service 371  3  10.    
  ... view all 509 positions >>   ... view all 509 positions >>   ... view all 509 positions >>

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Webarchive Date 2005
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