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Title: DSL Flatrate Tarife vergleichen - DSL bestellen und billig surfen

DSL Flatrate Tarife vergleichen und DSL bestellen - DSL Tarifrechner hilft beim Sparen - jetzt DSL Preise, DSL Tarife mit Nebenkosten und Vertragslaufzeit vergleichen

Top keywords: dsl flatrate internet flatrate dsl billig dsl billig dsl und telefon flat flatrate dsl flat tarife dsl flatrates flatrate tarif versatel dsl

Approx. monthly SE traffic: 1.57K
Approx. monthly SE traffic cost equivalent: $7.52K

"" approximate summary search engine traffic

Traffic Est. Cost
Organic keywords 1.57K $7.52K*
Paid keywords N/A N/A
* — "Est. Cost" for organic traffic means amount of money the site owner would pay for such traffic if he bought it in PPC systems.

"" organic keywords

Top cost equivalent positions Top traffic positions Top positions
Google: 7 pages, 7 positions
  Keyword Cost Equiv. Position   Keyword Traffic Position   Keyword   Position
1. dsl flatrate $2.56K  8  1. dsl flatrate 441  8  1. flat tarife   3 
2. internet flatrate $1.40K  7  2. internet flatrate 334  7  2. dsl wechsler   3 
3. dsl billig $516.80  9  3. dsl billig 102  9  3. tarif telefon   4 
4. dsl billig $512.73  9  4. dsl billig 102  9  4. dsl und telefon flat   4 
5. dsl und telefon flat $350.14  4  5. laptop vergleich 83  12  5. dsl flat telefon flat   5 
6. flatrate dsl $235.56  8  6. umts flatrate 61  18  6. internet flatrate   7 
7. flat tarife $234.11  3  7. dsl und telefon flat 53  4  7. flatrate tarif   7 
8. dsl flatrates $226.07  9  8. flat tarife 50  3  8. dsl flat telefon   7 
9. flatrate tarif $184.71  7  9. dsl flatrates 45  9  9. ohne dsl   8 
10. versatel dsl $182.34  19  10. flatrate tarif 44  7  10. flatrate dsl   8 

"" SEO score

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