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Title: EWG Home | Environmental Working Group

Environmental Working Group (EWG) works to protect kids from toxic chemicals in our food, water, air and the products we use every day. We use research to help create federal policies that protect our children, our health, and our natural resources.

Top keywords: ewg working working sunscreen environmental bottled water ewg skin deep skin deep mining claim

Approx. monthly SE traffic: 145.00K
Approx. monthly SE traffic cost equivalent: $152.68K

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Traffic Est. Cost
Organic keywords 145.00K $152.68K*
Paid keywords N/A $69.23K
* — "Est. Cost" for organic traffic means amount of money the site owner would pay for such traffic if he bought it in PPC systems.

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Top cost equivalent positions Top traffic positions Top positions
Google: 887 pages, 887 positions
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1. ewg $16.62K  1  1. ewg 11K  1  1. baby formula containers   1 
2. working $12.29K  7  2. working 11K  8  2. moisturizers with spf   1 
3. working $12.06K  8  3. working 10K  7  3. safe sunscreen   1 
4. sunscreen $8.24K  7  4. environmental working group 6K  1  4. the environmental working group   1 
5. environmental $7.37K  5  5. sunscreen 6K  7  5. solutions pollution   1 
6. bottled water $6.55K  9  6. environmental 5K  5  6. bottled water testing   1 
7. ewg $4.68K  2  7. ewg 3K  2  7. tap water test   1 
8. skin deep $3.68K  5  8. mining claim 3K  1  8. ewg org   1 
9. skin deep $3.68K  5  9. ewg org 3K  1  9. sunscreen rating   1 
10. mining claim $3.13K  1  10. skin deep 2K  5  10. safest baby bottles   1 
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