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Top keywords: peakfit earth science software earth science software prosse prosse keratophyr

Approx. monthly SE traffic: 30.34
Approx. monthly SE traffic cost equivalent: $31.51

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Organic keywords 30.34 $31.51*
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Google: 4 pages, 4 positions
  Keyword Cost Equiv. Position   Keyword Traffic Position   Keyword   Position
1. peakfit $16.97  17  1. prosse 10  10  1. earth science software   7 
2. earth science software $7.02  7  2. earth science software 7  2. earth science software   7 
3. earth science software $6.87  7  3. earth science software 7  3. keratophyr   8 
4. prosse $0.48  10  4. peakfit 17  4. prosse   10 
5. prosse $0.11  11  5. prosse 11  5. prosse   11 
6. keratophyr $0.07  8  6. keratophyr 8  6. peakfit   17 

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