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Title: University of Georgia Libraries


Top keywords: google scholar google scholar university of georgia googlescholar uga library google scolar chicago manual of style chicago manual of style athens georgia uga

Approx. monthly SE traffic: 133.93K
Approx. monthly SE traffic cost equivalent: $276.85K

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Traffic Est. Cost
Organic keywords 133.93K $276.85K*
Paid keywords N/A N/A
* — "Est. Cost" for organic traffic means amount of money the site owner would pay for such traffic if he bought it in PPC systems.

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Top cost equivalent positions Top traffic positions Top positions
Google: 301 pages, 301 positions
  Keyword Cost Equiv. Position   Keyword Traffic Position   Keyword   Position
1. google scholar $195.48K  9  1. google scholar 52K  9  1. uga library   1 
2. google scholar $29.75K  13  2. google scholar 8K  13  2. jobs athens georgia   1 
3. university of georgia $4.34K  7  3. turabian style 4K  1  3. uga library hours   1 
4. googlescholar $3.47K  7  4. university of georgia 4K  7  4. university of georgia library   1 
5. uga library $2.96K  1  5. uga library 3K  1  5. libs uga   1 
6. google scolar $2.32K  7  6. bibliography format 2K  6  6. jobs in athens georgia   1 
7. chicago manual of style $2.08K  6  7. chicago manual of style 2K  6  7. uga lib   1 
8. chicago manual of style $1.76K  7  8. chicago style citation 2K  5  8. government quiz   1 
9. athens georgia $1.53K  7  9. athens map 2K  3  9. turabian style bibliography   1 
10. uga $1.47K  11  10. chicago manual of style 1K  7  10. how to cite an online source   1 
  ... view all 301 positions >>   ... view all 301 positions >>   ... view all 301 positions >>

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Webarchive Date 1997

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The Purdue University Online Writing Lab serves writers from around the world and the Purdue University Writing Lab helps writers on Purdue's campus.


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