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Title: Yale School of Management

The mission of the Yale School of Management is to educate leaders for business and society. The schools innovative, integrated MBA curriculum teaches management and business in a richer more relevant context.

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Approx. monthly SE traffic: 86.15K
Approx. monthly SE traffic cost equivalent: $84.53K

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Organic keywords 86.15K $84.53K*
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* — "Est. Cost" for organic traffic means amount of money the site owner would pay for such traffic if he bought it in PPC systems.

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Top cost equivalent positions Top traffic positions Top positions
Google: 228 pages, 228 positions
  Keyword Cost Equiv. Position   Keyword Traffic Position   Keyword   Position
1. garten $26.20K  9  1. garten 34K  9  1. yale university school of management   1 
2. yale university $12.41K  7  2. yale 7K  9  2. yale school of management   1 
3. yale $8.41K  9  3. yale university 7K  7  3. yale mba   1 
4. yale mba $6.29K  1  4. som 6K  7  4. openings for mba   1 
5. yale school of management $3.11K  1  5. som 6K  7  5. howard forman   1 
6. som $2.56K  7  6. marmor 3K  3  6. lisa kahn   1 
7. yale school of management $2.53K  1  7. yale school of management 2K  1  7. barry nalebuff   1 
8. som $2.45K  7  8. yale school of management 2K  1  8. nalebuff   1 
9. marmor $1.87K  3  9. yale mba 2K  1  9. barberis   1 
10. yale mba $1.77K  2  10. jake thomas 1K  5  10. yale university school of management   1 
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