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Title: Orphan Aid Africa


Top keywords: orphan aid orphanage africa orphans aid orphanage in africa orphan aids

Approx. monthly SE traffic: 129.33
Approx. monthly SE traffic cost equivalent: $203.88

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Organic keywords 129.33 $203.88*
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Google: 2 pages, 2 positions
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1. orphan aid $168.26  1  1. orphan aid 110  1  1. orphan aid   1 
2. orphanage africa $19.51  9  2. orphanage africa 11  9  2. orphans aid   5 
3. orphans aid $13.39  5  3. orphans aid 5  3. orphanage africa   9 
4. orphanage in africa $1.65  18  4. orphanage in africa 18  4. orphan aids   16 
5. orphan aids $1.08  16  5. orphan aids 16  5. orphanage in africa   18 

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