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Online-literature.com: The Literature Network: Online classic literature, poems, and quotes ...Author List. Authors. Authors. Authors. Adams, Henry. Adams, Samuel ... Fletcher, J.S. Foote, Mary Hallock. Forster, E.M. Fox Jr., John. France, Anatole ...
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Redhotjazz.com: The Red Hot Jazz ArchiveA history of Jazz before 1930. This site contains over 2000 songs from this era in Real Audio 3 format, as well as hundreds of biographies and discographies of Jazz musicians.
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Duendedrama.org: Duende: Bringing Plays and Stories to Your CommunityDramatic productions available for educating K-12 students in History and Social Studies. Duende presents original plays which tour California's schools, museums, National Parks and Forests and theatrical venues.
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Sleeps.com: Dream Analysis and Interpretation - Understanding DreamsDream Central is your dream information resource on the net. Tons of information, including a dream dictionary, a dream analysis service and a detailed write-up on dreaming itself!
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