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Top keywords: portland state university msw roberto orellana portland work portland work vicodin side effects phentermine prescription phentermine pharmacy masters of social work

Approx. monthly SE traffic: 10.17K
Approx. monthly SE traffic cost equivalent: $11.14K

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Traffic Est. Cost
Organic keywords 10.17K $11.14K*
Paid keywords N/A $44.6
* — "Est. Cost" for organic traffic means amount of money the site owner would pay for such traffic if he bought it in PPC systems.

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Top cost equivalent positions Top traffic positions Top positions
Google: 63 pages, 63 positions
  Keyword Cost Equiv. Position   Keyword Traffic Position   Keyword   Position
1. portland state university $4.09K  7  1. portland state university 3K  7  1. distance msw   1 
2. msw $1.92K  8  2. roberto orellana 2K  6  2. psu school of social work   1 
3. roberto orellana $795.86  6  3. msw 1K  8  3. phentermine very cheap   1 
4. portland work $486.31  17  4. vicodin side effects 611  7  4. portland state university school of social work   1 
5. portland work $464.93  17  5. portland work 267  17  5. psu msw   1 
6. vicodin side effects $427.61  7  6. portland work 267  17  6. ssw pdx edu   1 
7. $199.05  12  7. ssw 227  12  7. msw distance   1 
8. phentermine prescription $188.99  9  8. phentermine prescription 124  9  8. psu msw program   1 
9. phentermine pharmacy $172.53  7  9. phentermine pharmacy 121  7  9. portland state school   1 
10. masters of social work $159.61  9  10. state work 107  10  10. psu school of social work   2 
  ... view all 63 positions >>   ... view all 63 positions >>   ... view all 63 positions >>

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