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Mathedpage.org: Henri Picciotto's Math Education Page | MathEdPage.orgArticles on math education --curriculum and pedagogy-- by Henri Picciotto, a math teacher, curriculum developer, and consultant. Many sample activities, and some complete books, with an emphasis on manipulative and technological tools.
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Distancecalculus.com: Distance Calculus @ Shorter UniversityDistance Calculus is a university-level calculus course program taught entirely via the internet. The course uses the Calculus&Mathematica curriculum, and is conducted on an intensive student-to-instructor basis using internet communication technologies providing the student with a flexible course meeting around their existing schedule. For more information, write to: [email protected]
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Onlinemathlearning.com: Online Math Help & Learning ResourcesOnline math help: review lessons, homework help, learning aids, games, puzzles and test preparation (eg SAT) for kids, teens, schools, home schools, teachers, parents and educators in mathematics.
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